Graphic arts products are often subject to industrial and natural damage. Our laminating films protect valuable products from chemicals and harmful artificial substances while providing superior adhesion to fully printed surfaces. The life of your materials is extended, enabling you to make long-lasting and favorable impressions. Laminated products communicate quality and add significantly to every product's real and perceived value. Our laminations crisply and clearly communicate a feeling of substance, a sense that "this is something different".
- Extends the life of printed materials
- Printed materials can be reused thousands of times
- Increases the color life of printed materials
- Deepens & brightens ink colors
- Enhances contrast
- Increases the bulk & stiffness of printed materials
- Preserves color, texture and form
- Enhances image & presentation
- Protects from creasing, tearing, smudging & staining
- With an encapsulated edge seal, laminated papers become waterproof
Our specialty...Producing your job for you yesterday !!